Women’s Winter Wildlife Tracking Workshop

February 4, 2022 @ 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Graylaug Nature Preserve
320 Clough Road
$5 to $25
Jennifer Adie

Identifying and interpreting wildlife tracks can greatly expand your understanding of what species are using your land, and how wildlife respond to your habitat management activities.

Women in the Woods is holding a Women’s Winter Wildlife Tracking Workshop at the Graylag Nature Preserve in Pittsfield, NH on February 4th from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Join wildlife biologists Haley Andreozzi and Emma Tutein from UNH Cooperative Extension for this women-focused program as they guide you through fields, forests, and wetlands in search of winter wildlife tracks and signs. You’ll also learn how to use wildlife sign to interpret wildlife behavior and habitat use.

This workshop will take place entirely outdoors so come prepared and dress for winter weather. Detailed location and parking information will be provided to registered participants.

COVID-19 Safety Precautions: The program will be held entirely outdoors, limited to 15 participants, and social-distancing will be encouraged.

What to Bring: Dress for being outdoors in winter conditions. Bring a snack, plenty of water, and your own snowshoes or traction devices.

In order to ensure this program is accessible for all, there are three registration fee options – $5, $15, or $25. Please pay what you can.

To register for this workshop, go to https://extension.unh.edu/event/2022/02/women-woods-winter-wildlife-tracking-workshop?utm_source=AdaptiveMailer&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Foresters&org=785&lvl=100&ite=19110&lea=2176478&ctr=0&par=1&trk=a0W6f00000WpL1ZEAV

Women in the Woods is a collaboration between UNH Cooperative Extension, NH Timberland Owners Association, the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, and other partners aimed at connecting women landowners and land managers with the resources, skills, and community they need to make informed stewardship decisions that promote healthy forest resources. For more information about Women in the Woods, visit: extension.unh.edu/womeninthewoods.