Assessing Additionality in Forest Carbon webinar

February 3, 2022 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Natural Capital Exchange

The Natural Capital Exchange will hold an Assessing Additionality in Forest Carbon webinar on February 3rd at noon EST

The first and most crucial test in quality forest carbon offsets is additionality. Sustainability leaders need to answer a critical question about their offset choices: “Will the action have real impact?” or “Would this action I’m investing in have happened anyway?”

To understand the climate impact of a landowner’s choice to defer a harvest, we need to know what they would have harvested in the first place.

In this webinar, Dr Jennifer Jenkins, NCX Chief Sustainability Officer, and Dr. Nan Pond, Director of Forestry will explain what it takes to understand business as usual for every acre of forest in order to assess additionality and ensure quality in forest carbon projects.

Key takeaways:

  • The meaning of additionality in forest carbon
  • What metrics go into understanding business as usual in a forest
  • The tools you need to evaluate a carbon credit’s additionality
  • How NCX uses remotely sensed information and high-resolution, landscape level detail to assess business as usual in order to establish additionality for its projects


To take part in this webinar, register at eg?utm_campaign=2022_Webinar_Additionality&utm_source=email